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EU Settlement Scheme….Are you ready?


With the impending Brexit deadline set for 23:00 on the 31st January 2020, as a responsible employer and in case that you are unaware, we feel the need to let each of our colleagues and fellow readers know of the EU Settlement Scheme which applies to both settled and pre-settled status and is completely free to apply.

This maybe relevant to you if you are not a British Citizen, and if you or your family wish to live, work or study in the UK after Brexit.

 This status means that you will be eligible for:

  • Public services, such as healthcare and schools,
  • Public funds and pensions,
  • British citizenship, if you want to apply and meet the certain requirements.

Please bear in mind that there will be no immediate change to your rights and status if you are an EU citizen living in the UK. However, if you wish to continue living, working or studying here then you will need to apply to this scheme before the 31st December 2020 (if the UK leaves without a deal) and by 31st June 2021 (if the UK leaves with a deal). 

We have found the website links below extremely useful in explaining step by step, what you need to do:

        Please feel free to contact the Recruitment team on (01328) 852737 if you require any further assistance with your application.

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